A Higher Learning, LLC. Case Study


Shavonne, the founder of A Higher Learning, LLC. (AHL), came to us looking for an online presence for her newly founded company. She expressed her desire to advance the dental practice through education and innovation, and that she needed a place online to promote and provide the highest level of education for practitioners about dental practice. More specifically, she needed a website that offer access to online seminars and in-person events.


We decided to help Shavonne at AHL with one of our Personalized Brand Packages, but focused on only having a main landing page, that re-directs her audience to separate event pages…where they can directly access online seminars and/or upcoming in-person events.

The simplicity of the brand package allowed AHL to mold the brand package to fit exactly what was needed; more than anything, a place for dental practitioners to register for upcoming events in the dental practice. The website was accompanied with additional marketing services through email campaigns and social media campaigns.


  • Online Presence & Event Programming

  • $9000+ in Sales for Online Seminars

  • $6500+ in Sales for Symposiums

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